
Glorified – represented in such a way as to appear more elevated or special; made glorious

Biblically it is the final stage of the ordo salutis (Latin. The Order of Salvation) and an aspect of Christian soteriology (the study of salvation) and Christian eschatology (concerned with death, judgment, and the destiny of the soul); it is the nature of believers after death and judgement; the final step in the application of redemption.

John 17:4 Jesus is praying to God. “I have glorified you on the earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” God is special to us. He should be our everything and elevated above all else in our lives. We need to take this verse to heart and follow Jesus’ example. God has given us all work to do here, and we need to glorify Him in doing so. Once we complete this life and have completed His work we will be by HIs side, and we will experience our own glorification. We will reach that final step in our redemption.

Jesus went on in verse 5 to say, “Now, Father, glorify me in your presence with that glory I had with you before the world existed.” Put on your imagination hats. Now think of how it will feel to be glorified by God. You are standing at His side, finally, and you can just feel the glorification coming off of Him and on to you. He loves you and He wants to glorify you. Who cares what others say or think of you? Who cares how they treat you or what they do to you because you, my brothers and sisters, you are His child? You are His bride. You were created from dirt and molded into exactly what He wanted you to be, and He is going to glorify you when all of your work is done here.

So, remember all of this the next time someone is being disrespectful and mean. He created you for better. You are being sharpened by that disrespect and you will shine bright in the end.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for your sacrifice for us. Thank you, Abba. Thank you for loving us enough and wanting us enough to make us and mold us. Thank you for your glory and may we shine bright in your light. Amen